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Virtual Events Stadium

To support sports events

Celebrity acts

Stream festivals and concerts live

VIP events

Provides an audience for smaller bands

Business conventions

Product releases


Join video or voice chat with friends in the lobby. Sit back and enjoy the experience as every seat is a front row seat when watching virtually.


VerseX users will be able to purchase tickets from individual sellers, artists and celebrity acts as non-fungible-tokens sent to their wallet as proof of purchase. Enter the stadium, join video or voice chat with friends in the lobby. Sit back and enjoy the experience as every seat is a front row seat when watching a virtual event.

How it Works

A large portion of the entertainment industry's revenue will be captured by the Metaverse.

What we Believe

Virtual Events

Let’s talk Numbers...

There are no limits to the capacity of the stadium compared to the limited opportunities in real life.


In 2020, the virtual event market amounted to $94.04 billion worldwide

The global AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) market is set to reach $300 billion by 2024.


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